Monday, August 27, 2007

High impact aerobics..

Ok so I've been going to Richie's Aerobics Classes at the Arena for some time now (or 'Total Body Workout' as they are now referred to as) and I have been known to attend quite regularly ... Though I pondered on the impact of the 'high impact' before, after reading this article I am slightly more worried... Is it inevitable I will get arthritis? What were Jane Fonda's workout videos like? Is there any resemblance to the 'Total Body Workout' classes?


Blogger mgb said...

the article talks about 3 tiered steps, so you should be OK.

You could always stop going, just to be on the safe side

10:25 a.m.  
Blogger Joe said...

sounds like an opinionated scare story to me.

Yes, there are pros and cons to all forms of exercise, even the ones she likes right now (I presume).

That doctor would probably be freaked out to think of the impact that a 10K run causes.

12:43 p.m.  

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