Friday, August 04, 2006

A Year of Blogging..

Happy anniversary to me and my blog! It’s a year since I started blogging! Whey hey! ;)
Was home last weekend, the music choice enroute was BellX1 – really good.. am really impressed.. And it was a really good weekend, on Sunday went to Cabra Castle for dinner, a really beautiful setting.. I really had a nice weekend… good food, good chat and just relaxed..

On the more technical side of things.. Blackboard have been awarded a patent on e-learning technology, hmm.. implications for Moodle users and open source??
And also in a slightly related topic, was reading that orientation week for incoming first year students at some US college’s are now not only being warned about everything from alcohol to credit card debt, but also ‘the risks of internet postings’!


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