Saturday, May 13, 2006

Life's Too Short

Life's too short to dwell on things
That pull and tear on your heart strings
So park those thoughts that make you worry
And create new goals to which you'll hurry.

Make your list of things to do
That always seemed not part of you
Make yourself explore unknowns
Write down your thoughts dig up those bones

Take a step toward things that scare you
Show who's boss while mind prepares to
Overcome what seems unrealistic
Before you lose it and go ballistic

Do something different every day
And watch as life shows new path ways
Life's too short to dwell on things
That pull and tear on your heart strings.

- Michael Charles Messineo


Blogger Unknown said...

Life is much too short to extend effort on things and people that pull and tear, with tooth and claw.)who was that again, tooth and claw?) So it can be from time to tim as well to cut your losses. No one wants to impose where they aren't wanted.

4:21 p.m.  

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