Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas is coming..

Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat
Please put a penny in the old man's hat
If you haven't got a penny a ha’penny will do
And if you haven't got a ha’penny, God Bless You!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Chicken Run

“Chicken Run” – this happened on the road I take on my Monaghan Limerick journey! ;) .. kinda funny .. and yet sad that they were rounded up and continued the journey to the slaughterhouse.. wouldn’t some take it was fate, or ‘a sign’ that the were temporarily free??

Monday, December 12, 2005

Returning North..

Well have had an eventful last few days, have to admit.. did the 5.2mile charity "fun run" on Friday, improving by 14mins on my time from the last time i did the run (Dec.2001).
Went to see Narnia Saturday evening.. thought it was good enough, even though several others, as discussed at lunch, would disagree. (Maybe i'm not the best movie critic!)
Last night the Willful returned to Smyths - good gig, the guys are back and on form!
Oh and did some PhD work in between (main purpose of visit!)
"Patches of freezing fog will occur in the almost calm conditions, with icy stretches on roads" the weather forecast for this evening, so going to depart a little earlier than had envisaged..
Happy Holidays to all in WAR group and others who read this.. great meeting up with everyone again and see you in 2006!

Barking and Comprehension

Learning to read is a two fold process - we first learn to 'bark', creating the words from the sounds we are familiar with. The second step is then in stringing the words/barks together to form comprehension. Most of us can get round the barking aspect, but it is in forming the comprehension that some children (or adults) can find difficult. And more importantly in actually understanding the comprehension that we bark out!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Running and driving...

.. well Fun Run went well, was great turnout and the rain stayed off.. Nice to have it over with and well done to everyone who took part.

Drove down to Limerick last night - i honestly think that some people are still confused by the kilometre thing – thinking 40miles and 60km is the national speed limit! Its NOT, you can do 100km!!! Slow drivers on narrow country roads ain’t good!- Especially when you’re driving from Monaghan to Limerick – you definitely don’t want to be stuck behind Farmer Joe/Josephine out for a leisurely drive in the country! Pull in and use the hard shoulder – that’s what its there for! Let others by!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Well have kinda signed up for the UL 'Fun Run' – just hope it is a fun run and not too competitive!
Haven't been in training for this or anything - its the taking part that counts, or so i'm telling myself! ;)